We found a bigger difference for queries that touch a large number of rows, such as a table scan over all20,000 XML documents with string comparison on every document. 我们发现涉及大量行的查询的性能差异比较大,比如对所有20000个XML文档进行全表扫描并对每个文档比较字符串。
Table data skew refers to a difference between the number of records in a table on particular database partitions and the average number of records across all database partitions for this table. 表数据倾斜指的是特定的一些数据库分区上的某个表内的记录数与这个表所跨的所有数据库分区的平均记录数之间的差额。
The only difference is the way in which the parameters are obtained from the table. 唯一不同的是从表获取参数的方式。
The most striking difference with last month is the use of an SWT table instead of a label. 本文和上个月的专栏文章最显著的差异是使用SWT表代替了标签。
The only difference here is the table definition for output link, which is not from an imported XML table definition but from the Web services output table definition, named "doGoogleSearch_OUT". 这里惟一的不同在于输出链接的表定义,它不是来自一个导入的XML表定义,而是来自Web服务输出表定义,即“doGoogleSearchOUT”。
The first two are similar; the only difference is that the first form inserts one row into a table, whereas the latter form inserts multiple rows into a table. 前两个相似;惟一的区别在于第一种形式将一行插入表中,而后一种形式将多行插入表中。
For a four PRFs radar system, the resolved results calculated by the residues difference look up table method from any two of the target distances detected are equal. 研究多重脉冲重复频率体制的脉冲多普勒雷达,利用余差查表法解多目标距离模糊的问题。
The only real difference between the PivotTable and Table Styles is with regards to the number of elements in a PivotTable style. 数据透视表与列表的风格真正的区别仅仅是,可用的元素的数量多少。
John: and what is the difference between flat table and high table? 约翰:那么平台和高台有什么区别呢?
A comparison between the results from the finite difference analysis and those from the shaking table tests is made to validate the effectiveness of the computational model. 通过与液化场地自由场体系振动台试验结果的对比分析,方法的有效性得到验证。
The IBS% of carotid plaques were significantly lower in AMI and UAP groups than SAP group ( p < 0.001), and there was no significant difference between AMI and UAP groups, between SAP and control groups ( see table 3). (见表2)(3)颈动脉斑块IBS%值:AMI组和UAP组显著低于SAP组(P<0.001),AMI组和UAP组之间差别无统计学意义。
The range of which the movement of water and salt in soil can be affected by the reservoir is directly proportional to the difference between the reservoir water table and the ground water table and is inversely proportional to the friction coefficient of ground water in the soil. 2水库对于周边土壤水盐的影响范围与水库水位和地下水位的差值呈正比,与地下水在土壤中运动的摩擦系数呈反比;
The difference between the table and that concerning Soviet regenerated forest was made. 文章还探讨了秦巴林区树种地位指数表和苏联萌生林地位级表的差异性。
The summary: after having carried out an analysis to the albumen of 2 copies of maternal maize seeds by utilizing stored SDS-PAGE technology, the result indicates their maternal seed protein electrophoresis atlas has obvious difference and the characteristic table is steady. 利用种子贮存蛋白SDS-PAGE技术,对2份玉米母本种子的蛋白质进行电泳分析,结果表明,它们的母本种子蛋白质电泳图谱差异明显,特征谱带稳定。
Therefore the information meaning of RAS method of input-output table was given. Also, an iterative computation scheme was given. Finally, it is pointed out that this method can be used to test the difference between new theoretical prediction scheme and the original input-output table. 从而简单、明了地赋于投入产出表RAS方法的信息意义.我们还给出一种迭代计算方案.最后指出,该方法可以用统计方法检验新的理论预测与原投入产出表的差异性。
In the same observing ( Stereoscope magnification and material of photo), the difference of interpretation ability of interpreter, but using the key table of interpretation or the method of computer aiding interpretation, we can get higher accuracy of interpretation. 在判读观察条件相同时,不同树种的判读精度主要受判读者能力的影响,但通过使用像片判读检索表和计算机辅助判读的方法更能提高判读效果。
It is an open problem whether a orthogonal system is characterized by its difference distribution table. 一个正交组是否可通过它的的差分分布表来刻画是一个至今未解决的问题。
Under the datasheet instruction, the difference of statement structure embodies in the index table, but the differences of accounting statement-making embodies in its instructions. Their organizing processes are completely the same. 数据表化指令认为,各种报表结构上的差异体现在各自的指标表中,而编制方法上的差异则体现在指令上,它们的编制过程是完全相同的。
This paper analyses the difference of cash flux table and financial affairs alteration table and the advantages of cash flux table. Based on practice experience, author puts forward opinion which some expense item have been classified in drawing up cash flux table. 本文分析了现金流量表与财务状况变动表的区别及现金流量表的优点,并根据实践经验提出了在现金流量表编制中一些费用项目的归类意见和看法。
Morphological and microscopical characteristics of 4 kinds of Xixin ( Asarum herb) from Hubei were comparative studied and the main difference was summarized in table. 对湖北产四种商品细辛的性状及显微特征进行了比较研究,并将其主要区别点列表说明,为湖北地区细辛的生产、销售及临床应用提供参考。
The study with fuzzy set ordination ( FSO) showed that in the National Nature Reserve in Yellow River Delta, there was a greater difference in plant habitat and vegetation type along a water table depth gradient. 采用模糊数学排序方法对黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区不同水深梯度下芦苇湿地植被进行了研究,揭示了水深对植被空间分布的影响。
Resolving Ambiguity of Multiple Targets Using Residues 'Difference Look-Up Table 余差查表法解多目标距离模糊算法
The spectral data were analyzed by weighted correlation. Pearson's R and Δ R ( defined as the absolute value of the difference between Pearson's R and its mirror image in the correlation table) were calculated and used for assessing the spectral similarity between the drugs. 利用加权相关分析对以上光谱数据进行分析,得到各产品之间的Pearson′sR和ΔR(Pearson′sR与其镜像位置值的绝对差值),并以此进行各产品的光谱相似性比较。
Analysis and Simulation for Ambiguity Resolving Using Residues 'Difference Look-up Table 余差查表法解单目标距离模糊的分析和仿真
The difference in the answers was analyzed with χ 2 test with contingency table. 采用行×列表χ2检验分析答案间差异性。
The result shows that there is no difference in intensity score of cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety of excellent table tennis athletes and ordinary undergraduate. 研究结果表明:优秀乒乓球运动员与普通大学生乒乓球运动员在认知焦虑和躯体焦虑的强度分数上无差异;
The difference of Chinese characters, led to the table sound function more bad, not as the English words contrast letters as direct spell. 这种差异导致了汉字的表音功能比较差,不能像英文单词一样对照字母直接拼读。
Therefore, on the basis of attribute reduction of static database, the definition of relative difference comparison table has been given, and a new algorithm for minimum attribute reduction with conditional attribute has been brought forward. 因此,本文就是在静态数据库的属性约简的基础上,引入过渡相对差异比较表,并在此基础上提出了一种新的增加条件属性的最小属性约简的算法。
The traditional advantage coming from global scale economy, scope economy, country difference had became table stakes, not a distinctive source of competitive advantage. 传统的规模优势、范围优势、国家差异等已经成为了参与全球竞争的上桌赌本,而不再能为跨国公司提供差异化竞争优势。
The last, as the spatial difference of accessibility, the thesis will table a proposal for optimizing the spatial distribution of school in this two aspects: optimizing education resources and structure of road networks. 最后针对可达性的空间差异,从优化教育资源及道路网结构两方面提出优化学校空间布局的建议。